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Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Bustanul 'bokir' Arifin

Bustanul Arifin is an Indonesian researcher and social activist. After working for the “Offstream Productions” in Jakarta he was volunteering at the Children’s Trauma Healing Center (Central Java, 2006-2007 and 2010-2011), being in charge of recreational programs, security and documentation of orphans who lost their parents in the earthquakes of 2006 and 2010. As a research assistant of Andrea Star Reese documentary project “Disorder”, Bokir’s contribution was crucial to unveil the stigma around mental disease within the Indonesian society (2011-2014). Concurrently he was also working a research assistant for Ascan Breuer during the filming of “Riding My Tiger” (2012-2013). 

- writed by Anna Gabriella Szabo - 

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

The Year of Refugees

All moslem in the world are celebrating for the 1437th Hijriy Year tonight. It was the epic situation; however the history about 'the Hijriy' explained about the movement of refugee. According to some text about the story of Hijriy that; Mohammad the prophet with his family and friend choosen to moved from mecca to madina city.

The epic, the analogy of the Hijriyans was the Syirian refugee (or the other nation) moved to save their life caused the ISIL/ISIS action. Than the Germany, Hungary and Sweden was the Anshorian; they opened the arm to accept for the refugees from the eastern side.

So, could the world open the eyes, who's the Abu Jahal's ideology groups or at the past named by Jahiliyans? This is the epic...and still remembering the Satanic Verses Novel writed by Salman Rushdie. The religion should be bring the peace not wars.

Bustanul 'Bokir' Arifin
01-01-1437 H

Minggu, 07 Juni 2015

Negara Klepto

Tetap saja sulit untuk nyatakan Republik Indonesia baiak-baik saja. Ini bukan soal bagaimana jalan pemerintah maupun rengekan oposisi (yang ujung-ujungnya diam kalau kenyang). Ada banyak 'program' di pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota yang semula melayani warga, khususnya bidang kesehatan dan pendidikan, kemudian tiba-tiba hilang atas nama tidak ada anggaran.

Miris bila melihat satu Kabupaten justru subur pencurian duit warga, pada satu hal yang bersinggungan dengan kesehatan dan pendidikan. Celakanya beberapa pihak terkait malah bangga curi duit warga. Dan hukum konon sudah lunas dibeli para pencuri tersebut.

Usah berpikir keras, bagaimana ada rasa bangga saat curi duit warga, dari mereka yang punya jabatan dan pangkat jelas sebagai pegawai maupun aparat hukum Republik Indonesia. Apalagi bila banyak arsip kabar jelas-jelas menulis; para pencuri akan dibela dengan doa-doa kepada Tuhan agar dibebaskan dari pasal-pasal hukum yang berlaku. Lucunya, semua itu dapat berubah jadi kaum 'moralis' dan mudah menghukum kesalahan kecil warga yaitu: lupa pada Republik Indonesia pernah diproklamirkan Merdeka, sebab ada fakta 'penjajah' dan 'perompak' dipelihara negara.

NB: Anjing satu tujuh delapan.... monitor? Pasal 86 Hukum Jalanan: Maling dipelihara sangat sayang oleh Negara.

Bustanul Bokir Arifin
Jogja Juni 07 2015